Monday, 7 October 2013


It is quite easy to postpone even when we claim to be passionate about our dreams. Every human being no matter how unreasonable the person might be did have some dream of a sort. The challenge is that we mostly entertain the notion that the time is not yet right for full action if we take any action at all. What is your definition of the right time? Until you are able to clearly define what the right time means to you, it will take some time if not a lifetime to be able to initiate a move to action.

The sad truth is that, no one can move to the fore from some idealize spot in the future that has not yet arrived. If you are to make progress in your situation, it is essential to start from where you are now. Nobody is saying you are going to be excellent at it just from the word go. Though it may not be perfect, it is enough to take you from the ground and get you moving towards your goal.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles, starts with just one step and the other step follows as it continues like that till the final destination is reached. In fact, you cannot but make full use of what is already available to you in small way. After all, God is in the details. Wishing for more, or feeling resentment because you don’t have more, will only waste your precious time. However, time and tide waits for no man. You might be tempted sometimes in such s situation to rely on procrastination as a solace and still waiting. But procrastination might comfortable only for a short while and the consequence of not acting will last a lifetime. 

Don't loose sight of the fact that there is no guarantee and there will never be a guarantee that your actions will be effective even if it does happen in the future. Yet you are certain to not be effective if you take no action at all. The time is now and not in the future. Give yourself a chance and open yourself to the fullness of your possibilities. Step positively forward using what you have, from where you are right now. Gently and thankfully accept where you are. And tap into the unique richness that has always been yours and patiently waiting to be launched out.

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