Friday 17 May 2013

Seth Godin: 'You Are Not Your Resume, You Are Your Work'

 | staff

What you do matters more than what's on a piece of paper, says the marketing guru.
Seth Godin,

Joi Ito/Wikimedia
Marketing guru Seth Godin believes in originality. But more than that, he believes in hard work. 
"You are not your resume, you are your work," he wrote in his 2010 bestseller, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?.

The book defines the three teams you encounter in every workplace: management, labor, and linchpins. Linchpins lead others, make things happen, and create order out of chaos. As building blocks of great organizations, they exemplify how solving real-world problems means more than bullet points on a resume.

This week, Fast Company reported Godin reiterated the same point to a Parsons auditorium full of self-described "creatives." He asked, "Are you going to matter?" Or in other words, what do you bring to the table?

“The stuff we’re paying you for is the difficult emotional labor of looking people in the eye and telling them the truth, in a way that makes them change,” Godin said. “What’s important is, did it make a change happen?”

If your work can't speak for itself, then surely your resume won't say much more. 


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