Tuesday 18 March 2014


We are all busy people and finding time to plan your new enterprise can be a challenge. Remember that what you need to do at the outset is to think and you can do that almost anywhere. Here then are ten ways you can find the time to plan.

1. Daydream: Something deep inside is urging you to consider setting up on knowing your own. Stop spreading tight now, st back, close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine what your enterprise might look like. 

2. Ask your family: Parents, partners and even children have a knack of knowing us better than we think. What's more, if your parents have had their own business then, statistically, your own venture is more likely to succeed. 

3. Check your diary: In the early days you won't have time for games or nights in the pub. Cut back on your social life to plan your business. If it's too difficult, you might need to think again.

Monday 7 October 2013


It is quite easy to postpone even when we claim to be passionate about our dreams. Every human being no matter how unreasonable the person might be did have some dream of a sort. The challenge is that we mostly entertain the notion that the time is not yet right for full action if we take any action at all. What is your definition of the right time? Until you are able to clearly define what the right time means to you, it will take some time if not a lifetime to be able to initiate a move to action.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

How to Know If You Need to Patent Your Product

How to Know If You Need to Patent Your Product

Why Friends And Family Are Your Worst Business Enemies

Every week our firm gets phone calls from clients around the country who have lost their money by investing with friends, family or neighbors they trusted.

In nearly every case, in the beginning there was a guarantee of unusually high returns with no risk, and of course the promises of success from a trusted relationship. However, by the time they call our office, the money is gone, their calls are being ignored and they need legal advice on what to do next.

In the worst cases, people have borrowed money against their own homes or used their retirement plan in order to fund risky investments and businesses in anticipation of higher returns, but now their nest egg is gone.

I am constantly amazed at how many people will invest or loan hundreds of thousands of dollars to their neighbor or fellow church member without getting anything in writing or security. I just hear the constant excuse: "I didn't want to hire a lawyer because it would have made the relationship uncomfortable and I trusted them."

Investing with people you know or who seemingly have a great reputation and tract record may be comforting, but it has no bearing on whether an investment is sound or the documentation to protect you is sufficient.

The Basics of Sole Proprietorships

Chances are, you're already running a sole proprietorship. Now, educate yourself on the pros and cons, the tax implications, and the legal liabilities to determine if you want to remain a sole proprietorship.

Friday 17 May 2013

How to Make Sure There's a Market for Your Business Idea

You've got a killer new product or a service that will have the world beating a path to your door. But is it really something people want? Or is it just something you think they want?
Having solid information about what your customers want to buy -- rather than what you want to sell them -- can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars, as well as peace of mind and sanity.

How to Make Sure There's a Market for Your Business Idea

Essential Entrepreneurial Advice for Every Graduate

Serial entrepreneur and author Steve Blank gave the commencement speech at the University of Minnesota. His advice is relevant for anyone starting up.