Tuesday 18 March 2014


We are all busy people and finding time to plan your new enterprise can be a challenge. Remember that what you need to do at the outset is to think and you can do that almost anywhere. Here then are ten ways you can find the time to plan.

1. Daydream: Something deep inside is urging you to consider setting up on knowing your own. Stop spreading tight now, st back, close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine what your enterprise might look like. 

2. Ask your family: Parents, partners and even children have a knack of knowing us better than we think. What's more, if your parents have had their own business then, statistically, your own venture is more likely to succeed. 

3. Check your diary: In the early days you won't have time for games or nights in the pub. Cut back on your social life to plan your business. If it's too difficult, you might need to think again.